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Who Will Win The #HFM2014 Instagram Prize?

To add to all the fun, we’re throwing an Instagram contest that takes you through the HFX Fashion Photography Showcase, currently on view in store windows at Ward Village. Up for grabs are tickets to exclusive VIP events and prize packs, courtesy Ward Village! Here’s how to play.Read More

HFM 2014: Here’s Your Guide To The Weekend

Hawaii Fashion Month 2014 is officially here! With our calendar full of fashion shows, pop-up boutiques, workshops, and panel discussions, here is your guide to the first weekend of HFM 2014. Head over to Frolic Hawaii to see the full guide to the 2nd-annual Hawaii Fashion Month.Read More

A Preview Of ‘Aloha Na‘au’ With Henry Navarro, HFX Mentor

Navarro will bring his place-based philosophy to Hawaii as a mentor in the Hawaii Fashion Exchange (or HFX), first as a guest speaker at HIFI Connects during Hawaii Fashion Month in November, 2014, and returning in the summer of 2015 to work with HIFI and the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Fashion Design and Merchandising program.Read More

Kini Zamora & Dinko Satta Will Debut A New Line For KINIandDINKO During HFM

What’s next for “Project Runway” contestant Kini Zamora? The answer will be revealed on the runway during Hawaii Fashion Month when he and business partner Dean “Dinko” Satta debut the new spring/summer 2015 collection of their eponymous line, KINIandDINKO.

Presented by Hawaii Fashion Incubator, Zamora’s show will happen on Friday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hawaii Convention Center Exhibition Hall as part of HONOLULU Fashion Week.

“Dinko and

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“HFX is HIFI’s new online membership platform. It is an incredible resource both for local fashion professionals as well as the public to network, connect with HFM opportunities, gain exposure, and work with globally recognized fashion moguls from around the world.”Read More

HFX Photography Exhibit: Call For Photos

To celebrate the talent of local fashion photographers (as well as the launch of the Hawaii Fashion Exchange), Ward Centers and HIFI well exhibit photographs in windows throughout Ward Warehouse.

This is where you come in. We need photographs to exhibit! Please read on to see how you can submit your photos to be seen in this unique show. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. on Oct. 12.Read More

The HFM 2014 Press Launch Was Fantastic

On September 19 the media, designers, photographers, and other industry professionals gathered on the outdoor terrace of The Modern Honolulu’s Sun Suite for an exclusive press conference to learn about what’s in store for this year’s #HFM2014.Read More

We’ve Partnered With Luevo!

Staying true to our mission, HIFI is thrilled to announce a new partnership to support members. Canada-based Luevo is an innovative online pre-ordering platform that connects shoppers to fashion weeks across the globe.Read More